Are you the parent or carer of someone with a learning disability, or autism? Have you had experience of the specialist healthcare services run by the Essex Learning Disability Partnership? The services include:
Occupational Therapy
Speech and Language Therapy
Clinical Psychology
Mental Health inpatient beds at Lexden and Byron Court
Enhanced Support at home (including Behaviour specialists)
Forensic treatment- support to stay out of criminal justice system
If you have, we'd like to hear from you. The service is funded by Essex County Council on behalf of Southend residents. They have asked us to get views from parents and carers about the service.
If you'd like to tell us about your experiences, we have a short survey which you can access below:
If you know someone else who has used the services for someone they care for, please let them know about this chance to shape the future of the services. If anyone needs a paper copy of the survey, or would like to talk to us directly, please email us using info@healthwatchsouthend.co.uk, or call on (01702) 416320.
The survey closes on 29 October 2024.