Due to the election period we were unable to share our findings at the Hamlet Court Road in Harmony event until now.
We attended the festival on Sunday 26 May and had the chance to meet many of you, listen to your feedback, and network with other Southend-based services.
As well as handing out many giveaways, our stall aimed to teach children about the importance of brushing their teeth with stickers, charts, and even a crocodile tooth game!
Alongside this, we had a lolly stick poll which focused on gathering feedback from local people and getting them talking. We had six mugs with six different stickers naming local services, and asked people “Which one of these services are you most concerned about?”. The results are below
G.P services – 21
Mental health services – 27
A&E – 12
Pharmacy services – 5
Maternity services – 3
Treatment waiting lists – 19

The results of the poll help us understand what matters most to people in Southend, and support us in deciding which priorities to focus on for the next year.
Here are a few comments we gathered from the event:

If you didn’t get your chance to have your say at the Hamlet Court Road event, fill in our Change One Thing form today and let us know what one thing you’d change about local NHS health or social care services.