In September, a group of our volunteers and staff visited Southend Hospital, where we made some recommendations to the Trust to ensure it is easy it is for patients to find their way around, and to check whether the signs were clear and matched printed literature.
In May we did a follow-up visit to see if any of our recommendations had been implemented.
Based on the revisit, we have recommended the Trust actively consider:
updating the Trust website with ward/department moves and current building works internally and externally.
signage at the car park entrances informing visitors about temporary reduced capacity so they are aware of possible delays. Building work start dates and expected completion dates would be very helpful for visitors and staff particularly when the car park capacity is reduced.
providing telephone numbers for parking queries in each car park
site maps being displayed in all car parks.
producing temporary up-to-date paper maps making them accessible to hospital visitors at hospital entrances.
additional support for Hospital volunteers by briefing them on any locality changes.
directing patients on the best entrance to use for their visit; the most direct route needs to be considered including accessibility.
checking existing signage height, and size for accessibility. Of note the increasing the font size on the key code at the bottom of the large display maps on hospital walls.
permanent signage placement for the urgent blood test locality.
adding the GP Unit location to all maps.
temporary access signage internally and externally including car parks.