Healthwatch Southend prepared a report looking at the experiences of those who identify as LGBTQIA+ and use NHS services locally.
Summary Healthwatch Southend wanted to find out whether the picture was the same in Southend. We put together a survey that included questions about experiences of discrimination, negative attitudes and barriers to care. We followed this up with a Focus Group, inviting services users to have their say and we had input from two experts in the field of Social Care provision and Maternity Services for the LGBTQIA+ communities. We also asked services providers what progress they have made in addressing these issues and barriers to accessing care.
Key Findings
Reluctance of patients to disclose sexuality or gender identification
Several experiences of negative attitudes and discrimination
Avoidance of seeking out treatment for a wide range of health problems
Lower levels of patient satisfaction where Pride in Practice not yet embedded
Click below to download full report
If you need this report in a different format, please email info@healthwatchsouthend.co.uk or call 01702 416320.