Our visit to Bradbury Home was conducted as part of a series of pre-arranged visits to residential care homes across the Southend borough.
Purpose of Visit
Our visit to Bradbury Home was conducted as part of a series of pre-arranged visits to residential care homes across Southend.
Key Findings
While visiting we heard that Bradbury Home has excellent responsive staff but although the residents knew who the Manager was the general feeling was they did not see enough of her.
We heard that staff skills were good but we also heard some minor concerns about lack of staff.
We understand that Bradbury Home has a very varied and full activities programme which was evidenced by photos and was praised very highly by some residents and seems responsive to their needs. We were not clear the extent to which the home tailors activities to residents’ specific interests and would like to see more feedback routes for residents to give their opinions about activities, such as surveys, committees, 1:1s etc.
We heard excellent feedback regarding the quality and variety of food available at mealtimes and were shown examples of menus. We were also given examples of how specific dietary requirements are met.
We heard that residents have regular access to healthcare professionals such as GPs and dentists.
We saw that it was not standard practice for staff to wear identifying name badges and residents, especially those with dementia, had difficulty in identifying and naming staff.
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