Over the festive period, some any of your local healthcare providers may have different opening hours. Wednesday 25 December, Thursday 26 December, Wednesday 1 January are bank holidays. Make sure you order your repeat prescriptions in advance to avoid getting stuck.
Before the bank holiday weekends
Order medication early:
Order any repeat prescriptions you need at least seven days before you run out.
Many GP practices and pharmacies will have limited opening hours during the bank holiday weekends, so it’s important to plan ahead to avoid running out of medication.
Check how much medication you have left and make sure to order in good time.
If you’re travelling or visiting family over the bank holiday, don’t forget to pack your medication.
During the bank holiday weekends
Use NHS services wisely:
For urgent care, visit 111 online as your first point of contact for health needs.
If you’re unwell, your local pharmacy may be able to provide advice and some prescription medication without needing to see a GP.
If you're unsure where to get the right care this winter, check out our blog post below.
For more information, visit Mid and South Essex Integrated Care System's website.